Thursday night at about 11:30, I woke up with some pain. Brian and I waited as my contractions started. We smiled at eachother and said, "is it really time, is this really it," because I was at 39 weeks. As we sat in bed for 2 hours, my contractions worsened and became closer together (5 minutes apart) So off we went to the hospital at 2:30 am. They put us in a room, but they were not going to admit us yet. They checked me and I was 3 cm dilated and 90% efaced, which is what I was already at the doctor a couple of days earlier. My contractions worsened to ever 3-4 minutes, but I was still not dilated anymore. As most of you know by now I was in severe pain with no drugs, because they still had not decided to admit me since I
had not progressed with dilation. It was now about 6:00, still no drugs were given to me and they told us to walk the labor and delivery halls for an hour, yes an hour to see if I would dialate. As Brian and I were walking, my water broke in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone there to see. How embarassing!!! We told the nurses, so of course now they were ready to admit me. Shocking! So to make a long story short, I labored for 8 hours with no drugs, not by choice! I finally got my epidural and 30 minutes later I was already 10 cm and they told me to push. BRIAN AND I RIGHT BEFORE PUSHING
Noah ended up being "sunny side up" (face up), so it took over 2 hours of pushing to get him out, but what a glorious moment in our lives, this little miracle. He was absolutely precious!!!
We cried and thanked God for our little Noah.
They had to take him from us, as he swallowed a bunch of fluid during labor, but off Brian went with him to the nursery, so I knew he was in good hands with his new proud father.
We were transfered to a room and all our friends and family were there, which was so wonderful to have! They were all so proud of our new little Noah. Our postpardum stay was wonderful at Baptist. Noah was born on Good Friday and we brought him home on Easter, how fitting to the new beginning of our miracle son's new life!!! Brian and I feeled so blessed by God to have our new healthy son and are just enjoying being a mom and a dad! WE ARE HAVING THE TIMES OF OUR LIVES AND CAN'T WAIT FOR THE TIMES TO COME!